About JC Bulletproof Coaching

Welcome to the transformative world of life coaching with Jason Cochrane. With a deep-rooted background in psychology, I draw from years of dedicated study and personal experience navigating the complexities of mental health. Raised in a dysfunctional family environment without the right therapeutic interventions, I am on a mission to break the cycle and empower others to rewrite their narratives.

Experience first hand

Having felt the impact of misdiagnosis and malpractice first hand, I advocate for a more holistic approach, emphasising coaching  to break down barriers in your life. address the root causes of your problems and help navigate your way through life's challenges. Through my coaching, you are assured of a compassionate space for coaching, healing and growth, towards lasting transformation and reclaiming control over your mental well-being.

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About Jason

I have the INFJ personality type, according to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), is often referred to as the "Advocate" or the "Counselor." Here's a brief overview: 

Introverted (I) INFJs are introspective individuals who derive energy from their inner world. They typically prefer solitary pursuits or intimate gatherings rather than large social events.

Intuitive (N) They are inclined towards abstract thinking and exploring possibilities, relying on intuition rather than solely on concrete evidence. INFJs often have a forward-thinking and imaginative mindset.

Feeling (F) INFJs prioritise personal values and emotions in their decision-making process. They exhibit empathy and compassion, frequently considering how their actions affect others.

Judging (J) INFJs value structure and organisation, often making decisive choices and seeking closure rather than leaving matters unresolved.




My values

Icon empathy


I will listen to your situation with sympathy and understanding, so I can help you in the most meaningful way possible.

Icon goals

Goal orientated

By understanding your objectives, I can tailor my advice towards helping you achieve what you want.


Icon confidentiality


All sessions are absolutely confidential, giving you the assurance that you can talk about anything you need to.

Icon empowerment


This coaching gives you the control of how you address your problems and move forwards successfully.








Group of happy smiling friends

What is a generational circuit breaker?

This refers to a significant event or phenomenon that disrupts the traditional patterns, beliefs, or behaviours within a generation. It could be a historical event, technological advancement, cultural shift, or societal change that fundamentally alters the trajectory of a generation's experiences and perspectives, leading to a departure from the norms of previous generations. This term is often used in discussions about social and generational dynamics. If you want to break free don't hesitate to call me and book a consultation

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What is a bulletproof empath?

This is an empath who has developed strong emotional resilience and boundaries, enabling them to navigate their sensitivity to others' emotions without being overwhelmed or depleted. It implies that the empath has learned to protect themselves from emotional "bullets" while still feeling and connecting with others on an emotional level I will take you on a journey and walk with you through your troubles until you are in a position to embrace the world with no fear. 

Two women discussing mental health at home






Frequently Asked Questions


What is the art of detachment?

Detachment requires releasing attachments and embracing flexibility in pursuit of your desires. It offers a pathway to liberation from anger and disappointment, granting solace throughout life's challenges. Emotional detachment serves as a catalyst for anxiety reduction, removing negative emotions, fortified boundaries, and heightened presence in the present. It transcends the innate human impulse, often driven by the ego, to assert control—a tendency that frequently begets pain, suffering, and the proliferation of negative thoughts.



Are sessions confidential?

Yes, confidentiality is a key part of our coaching relationship. Your privacy and trust are paramount, and I adhere to professional ethical guidelines regarding confidentiality.



How can life coaching benefit me?

Life coaching can benefit you by providing clarity on your goals, improving your self-confidence and motivation, enhancing your decision-making skills, and helping you navigate transitions or challenges in your life.



How do I know if life coaching is right for me?

Life coaching is beneficial for individuals who are motivated to make positive changes in their lives and are open to exploring new perspectives and strategies. If you're feeling stuck, seeking clarity, or looking to achieve specific goals, life coaching could be a great fit for you.



How can I start?

To get started, simply reach out to me through the contact form. We'll schedule an initial consultation to discuss your goals, assess your needs, and determine how I can best support you on your journey.

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